Since we started the business in 2002, we have always been approaching to have long-lasting relationship with the customers by listening to their needs in cars and transportation.
Transportation is the backbone of an organization, therefore it is critical to have the right solutions in place and minimize the risks.
Mobirent is a full-service car rental company offering more than just a car rental service, but flexible financial solutions that allow organizations to cut costs by optimizing the use of its transportation.
Even in today’s IoT innovated “Mobility Service” environment, we believe that businesses still need partners who understand the importance of providing a flexible and personal solution.
The largest and most financially strong companies in the country today take advantage of our services for many reasons including lower total cost of operation, greater operation efficiencies and protection against changing business needs.
Mobirent is here to help your business and discover how you can manage problems in your transportation and provide superior performance.
Henry Affandy
President Director
Rahman Wiharjo
Finance / Accounting GM
Ken Hori
Eng Guan
Edra Wong
ジャカルタ市内にお勤めの皆様及びそ のご家族のお手伝いを主にさせて頂い ております。 女性ならではのきめ細かさ、お客様の 目線に立ったサービスをモットーに、 皆様のジャカルタでの生活が より快適になるようサポート致します。 お困りごとがあればいつでもご相談く ださいませ。
久下 絹子
(Kinuko Kuge)
チカラン支店長を務めております。 パティンバン新港に至る広範な 東ジャカルタ地域、工業団地の皆様 へ地域密着型サービスを目指します。 短期レンタルユニット・リーダーも 兼務しており、日本あるいはアセアン 各地域からの急なご出張にも柔軟に 対応させて頂きます。
佐藤 晋一
(Shinichi Sato)
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